OBS: Kun beregnet for de nevnte Gold Tone-variantene, ME-Bass (Micro-Electric) eller Fretless M-bass (Microbass)
These La Bella Flat Wound Strings are designed for use with the Micro-Bass line. They provide a tone closer to that of a traditional electric bass while still keeping the M-Bass´ signature portability and ease of playing. NOTE: Can be used on ME-Bass or fretless M-Bass (cannot be used on fretted M-Bass).
- Tape wound metal, most like regular bass strings.
- String Gauges: .048, .068, .088, .108
Disclamer fra La Bella: P.S. Our flat wound bass strings will break if you wrap the metal portion of the string around the post, and if you string it through the body (assuming it’s not a “through-body” or Low Tension Flat bass string) LaBella